Although I expected to see some Jackie Kennedy memorabilia, I honestly didn't think there would be dresses of hers on display! I was so pleased I had to ask my dear husband to take my picture beside the gowns she wore for state dinners (I recognized the dresses from a book I have titled "Jackie: The Clothes of Camelot")...
As we went through the exhibits, I saw a pink shantung silk gown that I absolutely loved!
And I couldn't resist taking pictures from different angles! The gown is so startlingly simple yet very well made (Of course its a Christian Dior!) The quality of the fabric and the small details like the ribbon and pleats spelled the difference don't you think?
A dress and coat ensemble which she wore on a trip to India with her sister Lee Radziwill was on display as well. I looked closely, and though the clothes were again simple in design, the fabric seemed to be composed of minute pleats and the print was lively but unobtrusive!
I thought I knew a lot about Jackie Kennedy-Onassis, so I was again amazed at how artistic and talented she was! I never realized she could draw so well! Check out this scrapbook of their European sojourn that she made with her sister Lee...
Yup! All those illustrations were made by her alone! Amazing huh!
hi tin! till when are you staying here in the US? any luck in passing by southern california? i do love that CD gown.
hope your having fun! please send my regards to your hubby.
Hi Belle! Hubby says hi too! =) I'll be staying here till Sunday then its back to Manila! But we do hope we get to visit the West Coast soon! Hopefully on my next trip! Regards to the whole family! Take care!
oooh! pilgrimage pala for you to visit the jackie o musuem :p
i love the gown! thanks for the pictures :)
i love jackie o. i cried when she died and i even saved that newsweek with her on the cover. :(
the question is... who will win the pretty conio race, JackieO, or Prince D?
You're welcome Jill! Too bad most of her dresses are on loan to other museums, but then again its meant to be shared to a wider audience, she would have wanted it that way =)
Hi Twisted Halo! You will love this exhibit! It portrayed facets of her personality that showed she was more than a style icon =)
Philosophical Bastard, I think that will make for a good philosophical debate on the virtues of each woman...
this was originally shown at the Met in NYC last 2001. back then, i was still living in new york and i would visit the exhibit every chance i got. i adored the kennedys, in fact, i chose to go to school in NY delusionally thinking i'd meet JFK jr. i loved him and the day i saw him jog in central park was the best day of my life. i was heartbroken when he died :(
anyways, these pictures bring me back to camelot. thanks!
Oh yeah, i remember the MET exhibit! I super wanted to see that then! Unfortunately, I was not able to I was really happy to see that some of the dresses were on exhibit at the JFK museum! Wish I saw everything that was shown at the MET though!
At least you saw JFK Jr. in the flesh! That must have been so exhilirating! You went to NY after all for that! =)
Wow Tin, I love that scrapbook! Jackie O could've been an illustrator pala! If I were a gazillionaire, this is exactly what I'd love to bid on at an auction and proudly display on our coffee table
Hey there Pam!!! You'll be happy to know that there's a coffee table book version of this particular scrapbook entitled One Special Summer! Its about $25to $30 in the museum shop, but I checked in Amazon, its only selling for $16.47!
hey tin! that's amazing! thanks for the tip, and i'm asking my sister who's based in the states to get it for me pronto! yayyy!
Hahaha! I'm sure you'll love it Pam!!!
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