Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Jeffrey Campbell Pre-Sale on AVA + Win a Pair of JCs

The Jeffrey Campbell pre-sale is coming to AVA this July! Don't miss out on new, exclusive styles Manila hasn't seen before! Take note, these styles are NOT yet available at SM Fashion Forum. So you get first dibs on new designs, before they will ever hit the stores (if they will, at all). Isn't that amazing!

If you think this is exciting, yes, there's a free pair waiting to be claimed too! Here's something to get you all giddy:

Now, feast yer eyes on SOME of the styles (because yes, there's MORE) that you can score at the pre-sale:

Skate in Nude (also in Black)

Woven Lita in Brown

Be Well in Red

Salvatore in Gold

There will be a total of 11 new styles to be sold at the pre-sale, I leave the rest for you to discover when you log in to AVA's site on July 8. Quantities are extremely limited, so you can be sure you have something only a few will have ;)

Not yet an AVA member? Register HERE!


Lloyda said...

I want the woven lita & salvatore

Anonymous said...

I think I will be glued to my pc at 2pm on Friday. I just know it.

The Glamarazzi

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